Abstract List

Abstract ID Status

SNM- ()
Nazwa Risfaida
(Universitas Mataram)

SNM- ()
Pauzan Hakim
(Universitas Mataram)

SNM- 337 (Participant)
Zavira Mardhatillah Maulidia
(Universitas Mataram)


SNM- ()
Naela Magfiroh
(Universitas Mataram )

SNM- ()
Agung Subawa
(Universitas Mataram )

SNM- ()
Vidella Maura Nursyakirah
(Universitas Mataram)

SNM- ()
Riska Indisia Putri
(Universitas Mataram)

SNM- 255 (Oral)
Ratna Yulis Tyaningsih
(Universitas Mataram)

Development of P5-Based Interactive E-Modules as an Implementation of Merdeka Curriculum in Differentiated Learning for Middle School Mathematics

P5, Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila/ Project for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles is a form of implementation of the independent curriculum that aims to provide students with a more meaningful learning experience and process. P5 activities also apply the concept of differentiated learning which emphasizes adapting to students' learning interests and readiness to obtain good learning results. Data in the field shows that the P5 module is not yet available at SMPN 1 Pujut, which is used as a guide for teachers and students in carrying out P5 activities. This research aims to develop an interactive e-module based on the P5 Project as an Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum on Differentiated Learning for Middle School Mathematics that is suitable for use. This type of research is development research (Research and Development/R&D) using Plomp design research, including (1) preliminary research, (2) development or prototyping phase, and (3) assessment phase. The results of this research indicate that the P5 e-module is classified in the very valid category with content validity criteria of 90.28%, and construct validity of 90.97%. Therefore, the availability of interactive P5 modules helps teachers provide innovative ideas and references for creating similar or even better modules.

SNM- ()
Wulan Mudhi'ah Dini
(Universitas Mataram)

SNM- ()
Anggi Fathaniar
(Universitas Mataram)